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Animal-Assisted Intervention
Animal-Assisted Intervention (AAI) is a broad term commonly used to describe the utilization of various species of animals in diverse manners beneficial to humans. Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT), education, and activities are examples of types of Animal-Assisted Intervention.

Social Skills Interventions
Social Skills Interventions are known to affect changes in a wide range of problem behaviors including: communication, cooperation, assertion, empathy, engagement in tasks, showing responsibility, and self-control.

Applied Behavior Analysis
Applied behavior analysis, also called behavioral engineering, is a psychological intervention that applies approaches based upon the principles of respondent and operant conditioning to change behavior of social significance.

Educational Setting Intervention
An educational intervention is an action taken by school personnel to support a struggling student. Educational interventions may be instructional or behavioral. The purpose of educational interventions is to support struggling students before they have a chance to fail.

Home-Based Interventions
The home-based model focuses on helping parents and caregivers support the child’s progress. Six skills are practiced in the home to help the children succeed in the school environment:
Communication and sharing; Cooperation; Limit setting; Problem solving; Friendship making; and Developing confidence.

Avian-Assisted Intervention
Training birds for Assisted Interventions allows them to interact and be stimulated in different environments, with different people and different activities, and it offers them an alternative to permanent confinement. This high-level specialization develops an alternative methodology for the use of birds in captivity to generate benefits both in humans and in the birds themselves, but not before understanding the characteristics of the species that develop in a natural environment.

Animal-Assisted Therapy
Animal-assisted therapy is a therapeutic intervention that incorporates animals, such as horses, dogs, cats, and birds, into the treatment plan. The client, therapist, and animal work together in therapeutic activities that are outlined in a treatment plan, with clear goals for change, measurable objectives, and the expectation of identifiable progress toward the treatment goals. The therapy can take many forms, based on the patient, the animal, and the goals for treatment. Animal-assisted therapy is used to enhance and complement the benefits of traditional therapy.

Parrot Behavior Consultant
Understanding domesticated bird behaviors and working with bird owners to understand why birds behave they way they do and work towards solutions to problems that make birds difficult to handle.

Applied Animal Behavior